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Girl by the Window

Daylight/ sunlight access.
(e.g., window, clearstory, skylight)



  1. Circadian regulation, mood and perception, reducing depression, decreased length of stay, improved sleep, lessening agitation w/ dementia, easing pain, increased worker satisfaction (Joseph, 2006; Ulrich, 1984)

  2. Natural light reduced from architectural and cultural decisions, education needed about benefits of natural light (Koranteng & Simons, 2012)

  3. Light shelf helpful for increased daylight access, control of blinds important (Sanati & Utzinger, 2013)

  4. Natural light and views in classrooms needs easy to use daylight control (Theodorson, 2018) 



Joseph, A. (2006, August). The impacts of light on outcomes in healthcare settings. The Center for Health Design. Retrieved from


Koranteng, C., & Simons, B. (2012). Pelagia Research Library An evaluation of natural lighting levels in students ’ hostels in a suburb of Kumasi, Ghana. Advances in Applied Science Research, 3(1), 548–554.

Sanati, L., & Utzinger, M. (2013). The effect of window shading design on occupant use of blinds and electric lighting. Building and Environment, 64, 67–76.


Theodorson, J. (2018). North v. South: The impact of orientation in daylighting school classrooms. SOLAR 2008: Catch the Clean Energy Wave. Retrieved from


Ulrich, R. (1984). View through a window may influence recovery from surgery. Science, 224(4647), 420–1.



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