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View of Meditation Garden

A place with the ability to survey the distance in a place of security/ a view of the entire space AND a place of protection/ separated from spaciousness.
(e.g., view from an alcove to a larger space, interior view of spacious landscape)



Wider rooms were

  1. more comfortable than narrow rooms (Stamps, 2006).

  2. Exterior walks with higher levels of prospect-refuge (higher visibility, fewer hiding places and more accessibility) were perceived as less dangerous and fearful (Andrews & Gatersleben, 2010).

  3. Kellert’s references w/historical examples (Hildebrand, 100; Appleton, 1975).


Andrews, M., & Gatersleben, B. (2010). Variations in perceptions of danger, fear and preference in a simulated natural environment. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30(4), 473–481.

Stamps, A. E. (2006). Interior prospect and refuge. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 103(3), 643–653.


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