Dr. Beth McGee

Exterior views of natural features such as vegetation.
(e.g., window view of Central Park)
Preferred by children in hospitals (Lambert et al., 2014).
Restores directed attention (Berto, 2005; Tennessen & Cimprich, 1995).
Tree views had lower blood pressure during seated treatment than without view (Hartig et al., 2003).
The more natural a girl’s view from home, the better her performance at self-discipline Taylor, Kuo, & Sullivan, 2002).
Without nearby trees and grass reported more procrastination in facing their major issues and assessed their issues as more severe, less soluble, and more long-standing than did their counterparts living in greener surroundings= reduced mental fatigue (Kuo, 2001).
Shorter postoperative hospital stays (Ulrich, 1984).​
views of natural environments and exposure to natural materials may promote creative performance (McCoy & Evans, 2002)
Berto, R. (2005). Exposure to restorative environments helps restore attentional capacity. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 25(3), 249–259.
Hartig, T., Evans, G. W., Jamner, L. D., Davis, D. S., & Gärling, T. (2003). Tracking restoration in natural and urban field settings. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23(2), 109–123.
Kuo, F. E. (2001). Coping with poverty impacts of environment and attention in the inner city. Environment and Behavior, 33(1), 5–34.
Lambert, V., Coad, J., Hicks, P., & Glacken, M. (2014). Young children’s perspectives of ideal physical design features for hospital-built environments. Journal of Child Health Care, 18(1), 57–71.
McCoy, J. M., & Evans, G. W. (2002). The Potential Role of the Physical Environment in Fostering Creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 14(3–4), 409–426. Taylor, A. F., Kuo, F. E., & Sullivan, W. C. (2002). Views of nature and self-discipline: Evidence from inner city children. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 22(1–2), 49–63.
Ulrich, R. (1984). View through a window may influence recovery from surgery. Science, 224(4647), 420–1.